Anti-idling Policy Of TEECS

As you may have seen around the parking lot, TEECS has installed anti-idling signs. TEECS has adopted a No Idling Policy to help keep our air a little cleaner and make TEECS an Idle-Free School.

In April 2018, we performed idling observations over a four-day period. We observed many cars and buses idling for long periods of time. In the weeks that followed, the school installed no idling signs; distributed idling pledges and idling information to bus drivers, parents and staff, delivery drivers, etc.; and pledge cards were collected. Following the distribution of material, another set of idling observations was completed in June 2018 over a four-day period. There was a significant reduction in the amount of vehicles idling as well as the amount of time spent idling. Everyone in the TEECS community has taken on the responsibility of making our air a little cleaner for our students.

Link to pledge material: Link A, Link D.




Sustainable Improvements