Orion’s Quest

Orion’s Quest

This year Teecs Elementary students from grade 5th & 9th grade will participate in Orion’s Quest Mission which will be a part of curriculum integrates with Earth and Space Science.

Orion’s Quest (OQ) is an Internet assisted education program that employs current NASA research to reach and inspire “the next generation of explorers.” The mission has academic emphasis on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) intertwined with the teamwork skills that are a necessary part of everyday life for NASA scientists. During each OQ mission students participate in a classroom experiment or activity that mirrors the research experiment on the ISS(International Space Station), and then do some type of an analysis and data gathering activity. These hands-on inquiry based activities are supported by near-real time digital and video images downlinked from orbit and provided to the classroom via the OQ Website. 

NASA Projects